Predict the future

You didn’t come this far to stop

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt

استشارات نفسية متخصصة

دعمك في التغلب على الإدمان والاضطرابات الشخصية.

استشارات فردية

نساعدك في فهم ذاتك وتحسين حياتك.

استراتيجيات فعالة لتحسين جودة حياتك.

بناء حياة متوازنة وراحة نفسية.

دعم نفسي
تطوير الذات

أخصائية نفسية متخصصة

أقدم استشارات نفسية لمساعدتك في التغلب على الإدمان والاضطرابات الشخصية وتحسين جودة حياتك النفسية والعاطفية.

bottles on soil
bottles on soil
A group of people gathered around a table, where a person in the center seems to be receiving comfort or support. The atmosphere appears intimate and focused, with individuals displaying attentive body language.
A group of people gathered around a table, where a person in the center seems to be receiving comfort or support. The atmosphere appears intimate and focused, with individuals displaying attentive body language.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.

عن أخصائية نفسية

هدفي هو تمكينك من فهم ذاتك وتطوير استراتيجيات فعالة لبناء حياة أكثر توازنًا وراحة.

خدمات نفسية متخصصة

أقدم استشارات نفسية لدعم الأفراد في التغلب على الإدمان والاضطرابات الشخصية.

استشارات فردية مخصصة
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.
A poster features a close-up of a woman's face with a message about psychology. The top of the poster has the phrase 'GET PSYCHED!' in large orange text. Below, there is a series of questions in varying sizes and colors, exploring different psychological topics. The bottom part of the poster contains a web address.

دعم نفسي متخصص لتحسين جودة حياتك العاطفية والنفسية.

A person with long hair is sitting on a stool in a dark room, reading a document titled 'Action and Recovery'. The room features a circular light or projection on the floor and several cushioned stools scattered around.
A person with long hair is sitting on a stool in a dark room, reading a document titled 'Action and Recovery'. The room features a circular light or projection on the floor and several cushioned stools scattered around.
A lit candle labeled 'Emotional Support Candle' sits in a shallow wooden dish. Behind it, a classic-style bust and an ornate, antique mirror add to the aesthetic. The background features soft, neutral tones creating a cozy and serene atmosphere.
A lit candle labeled 'Emotional Support Candle' sits in a shallow wooden dish. Behind it, a classic-style bust and an ornate, antique mirror add to the aesthetic. The background features soft, neutral tones creating a cozy and serene atmosphere.
جلسات علاجية فعالة

استراتيجيات علمية لمساعدتك في فهم ذاتك وتحقيق التوازن النفسي.

تمكين الأفراد من التغلب على التحديات النفسية وتحقيق حياة أفضل.

دعم نفسي شامل

لقد ساعدتني أخصائية أبر سبر في التغلب على صعوباتي النفسية، وأشعر بتحسن كبير الآن.

علي حسن

Scrabble tiles spelling out the words 'MENTAL HEALTH' are arranged in two rows on a white background. To the right of the tiles is a small green branch with four leaves.
Scrabble tiles spelling out the words 'MENTAL HEALTH' are arranged in two rows on a white background. To the right of the tiles is a small green branch with four leaves.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.
Three pieces of paper arranged vertically feature the words 'dialectical', 'behaviour', and 'therapy'. The background is a plain light gray.


gray computer monitor

تواصل معنا

لأي استفسارات، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا اليوم.